Customizable Action Menu
This nested action menu is customizable and sensitive to the selected actor. Add actions as simple as attacks and as complex as spells and inventory items.
Learn moreWe are looking for the brave and skilled to join the Mythic Table party. If you're skilled at coding, art, design, social media campaigns, or anything else you feel like contributing to the party. Then you should click the link below and embark on this grand adventure with us.
Join the Quest!We’re so excited to announce that Mythic Table funded its first ever Kickstarter campaign! This campaign raised funding for our development team to bring you a better Mythic Table experience.
Check it out!An annoucement from Marc addressing the recent quiet period here at Mythic Table as well as some plans we have for the future.
The Mythic Table platform allows people from all over the world to connect. This digital landscape is new and exciting, but in this time of reconciliation we must not forget how we got here. We recognize that the real lands in which we work, play, grow, and love must be properly acknowledged.
We at Mythic Table stand in sorrow and solidarity with Asian communities globally and in particular with those affected by the increasing racist attacks in America. We condemn these attacks and the hatred that fuels them. We mourn with the global Asian community the lives that were lost and continue to dedicate ourselves to fostering a diverse community at Mythic Table.
Hey there! Welcome to the Mythic Table Blog! Here we hope to share our thoughts and experiences regarding a different subject each week. This time we would like to share our experience doing a “sleep out” (sleeping out in the open air) for charity.
Mythic Table is proud to announce that we have entered into a partnership with the Open Gaming Network. This is very exciting news, and we look forward to what we can accomplish together.
Mythic Table has opened its source and its books because we want you to know that your contribution is important. If you help fund Mythic Table or assist in development, you will see exactly how your contribution is used. You will also see our plans and forecasts, and you will have an opportunity to shape these. We believe in being open about everything, and we are proud to have a great community with whom to share this platform.
We know there are a lot of great options out there and more coming. However, Mythic Table is truly unique in not only vision but in our philosophy and business model. We want to be your virtual tabletop, and we want you to feel like you are part of this project. We want the success of this project to set the standard for how apps are developed and how companies collaborate with the public. Help us do this. Join the newsletter and get active!
Join NowThis is a short list of the features that set Mythic Table apart.
This nested action menu is customizable and sensitive to the selected actor. Add actions as simple as attacks and as complex as spells and inventory items.
Learn moreOur vision is to express everything the player needs to know about the state of the game in the play area. The goal is to make sure players are focused on the action instead of a variety of windows, tabs, and popups.
Learn moreGame systems like Pathfinder and Dungeons&Dragons have complex modifiers and conditions to track. Mythic Table will make this easy by handling them for you.
Learn moreMythic Table streamlines actions while giving the GM the ability to quickly adjust the outcomes. Enabling a smooth experience for both players and GMs.
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